Kids Corner Department
Encourage your child’s creativity with crafts geared just for him or her. Our Kids’ Corner features free project ideas suitable for children of any age. Look for games and activities, as well as educational materials and craft instructions created for kids.
This is a great place to go on those rainy days to keep your child occupied in a fun and creative way!
Our online shopping center allows you to stock up on supplies for crafts meant for kids.
New Tutorials and Pages
Make a fancy dress for your fashion doll by using a plastic grocery bag! Who would ever think you could make a dress from a bag?
Create a cute, tiny pencil case for an 18 inch doll. Perfect for storing homemade pencils!
Make a pretty spool knitted headband with a spool knitted cord and an inexpensive plastic headband.
Create an easy and pretty no-sew sleeveless top for a fashion doll. This is so simple and looks great!
As part of our doll spa series, this video shows how to make a doll spa headband. Your doll will be ready for her facial!
Add colorful beads to a finger knitted friendship bracelet to add charm and whimsy These make special gifts for friends and family..
Make a cozy pair of slippers for an 18" doll. These slippers are part of a doll spa series. Make more spa items to match!
Make a pair of DIY shoe laces with a spool knitter to dress up your sneakers. It will put a spring in your step!
Make or purchase colorful pom poms to create cute and fun pom pom crafts and pom pom activities. There is no shortage of ideas here!
Learn how to make adorable Santa baby good jar crafts! This easy DIY craft is kid-friendly using pom-poms, felt and other household supplies.
Trending this Week
Homemade felt Christmas decorations are cool and unique holiday decorations. Make this felt Christmas wreath with the kids to add to the tree.
Learn how to make a super simple and cute button paper clip bookmark with this tutorial.
Learn how to make a simple fabric bookmark with this video tutorial and written step-by-step instructions.
This post list many different types of activities to keep kids busy on rainy or snowy days, including during the pandemic. These include crafts, baking, games.
Use this free knitting pattern for bookmarks to complete a fun spool knitting project.
Learn how to make a DIY fabric sachet bag with this potpourri sachet tutorial. This is a great scrap fabric project!
These 3D fabric snowflakes are wonderful fabric Christmas ornaments. This tutorial shows how to make a no-sew snowflake decoration out of fabric.
How to make an easy no-sew skirt for an 18" doll out of an old long-sleeved t-shirt. This is a great example of a recycling an old piece of clothing!
New Stuff
With common household items, you can create customized stamps to match the likes and interests for younger kids as well as older kids.
Happy Hooligans
A simple no-fuss play castle out of a computer box, duct tape and an additional box.
A Little Tipsy
Free coloring pages.
This plane was made to resemble an eagle.
If you throw it at the right angle, it will quickly shoot straight into the air just like an eagle. Download & Print!
Fold 'N Fly
This article challenges you to find household items of different textures and patterns that you can transform into flower stamps. Kids can make a fun project with these stamps.
The Creative Kids Corner
If your child is between the ages of 5 and 9 you can get them a FREE subscription to the LEGO Life Magazine. The magazine is delivered directly to your home five times a year. Even shipping is free!
These fun LEGO STEM activities give children hands-on practice with science, technology, engineering, and math – skills they’ll rely on for years to come.
The Stem Laboratory
Dozens of printable mazes. Lots of fun....
Kid Printables
Make a Seaplane paper airplane with these step-by-step illustrated instructions.
Amazing Paper Airplanes
This is a very fun plane to fly. If you throw it the right way, it will spin into the air.
Fold 'N Fly