
How to Make a Valentine Treat Bag

Since Valentine’s day is just around the corner, I thought it is the perfect time for me to share with you a tutorial on how to make some Valentine’s Day treat bags. Kids will enjoy passing them out to their classmates, teammates, teacher, and friends. 

These fabric Valentine's goodie bags or treat bags are super-fast and super easy. Valentine's Goodie Bags - FB

We have many more free Valentine's Day craft ideas that are popular for all ages.  On our  Valentine kids crafts page, you will find projects to keep your child entertained for hours.  At the end of this article are links to some of our popular Valentine's Day projects.  If you need more decorating ideas,  type "valentine" in the search box on our home page.

Learn how to make treat bags by watching our video or keep reading this post for a photo tutorial with step-by-step instructions.

PRINTABLE PDF TUTORIAL - If you would like an ad free printable version of this tutorial optimized for printing, please visit our Etsy Shop listing for How to Make a Valentine Treat Bag #ad. For a small fee, you can purchase a PDF downloadable version of this tutorial.
Keep reading for the free version of this tutorial.

COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To watch the whole video tutorial, click the link How to Make a Valentine Treat Bag to open it in Youtube.

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Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - Finished view 2

If you just don't have the time to make treat bags, check out the Valentine goodies bag on Etsy or Amazon.  Or search online for free printable bag toppers like this one at Six Clever Sisters

Valentine Treat Bag Sewing Tutorial


  • Fabric - Cotton or Muslin
  • 3/8" ribbon - 15 inches long
  • 1 pony bead
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine and basic sewing supplies
  • Candy or small treat

Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - supplies

how to make the goodie bag


Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - fabricFor the fabric, you can choose any cotton fabric - Valentine's print or muslin.  Cut a 5" x 15" rectangular piece of fabric for the chosen fabric.  From 3/8" wide ribbon that complements the fabric, cut a piece 15" long.  (Note:  You could use 1/4" wide ribbon also.)


Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - fabricTo help prevent the inside side seams from fraying, with the sewing machine zigzag stitch the two long sides.


Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - top folded downAt your ironing surface, turn under the two short sides 3/8 of an inch.  You are folding these short sides to the wrong side so wrong sides are together.


Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - fabric foldedFold the fabrics in half with pretty sides together.  The piece should now measure 5 inches by a little less than 7 inches.


Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - sew side seamsAt the sewing machine, with a straight stitch sew the two long sides of the bag using a 1/4 inch seam allowance.


Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - stitch flat seamsThis drawing string bag is made with a casing where the ribbon will be inserted.  From personal experience, sometimes when weaving the ribbon through the casing it hard to get past the seam allowances.  The pin gets stuck under the seam allowances.

To avoid this, I hand baste the seam allowances flat from the top edge down 3 1/4 inches.  To do this, finger press the seam open and with a needle and thread quickly baste the seam flat by sewing close to the edge of the seam.

These basting stitches can be removed quickly and easily after the valentine treat bag is completely sewn together.


Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - stitch flat seamsFirst, turn the top edge down 1 1/2 inches.  This will be with the wrong sides together.  Pin the fold in place and press the fold flat.

Turn the goodie bag right side out being careful that the pins do not come out.  By turning it right side out at this point, it will be easier to sew.

At the sewing machine use a straight stitch and sew close to the inside fold.

Last sew another row of stitches, again using a straight stitch, 1 inch from the top fold.


Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - Open Side StitchesRight now the ribbon cannot be inserted into the casing. You need an opening.  With a seam ripper, carefully open the sewn stitches on one side seam between the two rows of stitches.

To insert the ribbon into the casing, there are many tools you can use.  Since this is a small project, my go-to method is with a safety pin.  Attach a safety pin to the end of the ribbon, insert the safety pin into the casing gap at the side seam and push the safety pin all the way around the casing until it emerges out of the gap.Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - Insert Ribbon   


Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - Pony BeadTo finish the goodie bag, even up the ribbon ends, roll the ends and insert the ribbon ends into the hold of a pony bead.

Again, make the ribbon ends even and tie an overhand knot.

Viola!  The Valentine treat bag is complete.  Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - Finished Bag

The Valentine's goodie bag is ready to fill with treats.  It is the perfect size to hold jelly beans, chocolates, candy conversation hearts or other small special treats.  You can even tuck some pencils or a gift card inside.

Valentines Goodie Bag Tutorial - Finished

Later, after the bag is empty, the kid can use the drawstring bag to store little treasures like marbles, stones, gems, beads and lots of other small items.

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Crafting!

PRINTABLE PDF TUTORIAL - If you would like an ad free printable version of this tutorial optimized for printing, please visit our Etsy Shop listing for How to Make a Valentine Treat Bag #ad. For a small fee, you can purchase a PDF downloadable version of this tutorial.


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.

Here are a few popular free Valentine's craft ideas

Supporting Products and links: Some of the links below may be affiliate links. We make a small commission on sales through the affiliate links, at no extra cost to you. Thank you in advance for your purchase and your support! Please see our full Affiliate Statement for more information.

Seam Ripper

Seam Ripper #ad

The Ditz Deluxe Seam Ripper is small and convenient; This tool is indispensable for removing stitches.
It comes with a clear plastic cap, a safety ball to protect fabric and it's made from hardened steel to last a lifetime.
Affiliate Link to Amazon

Seam Ripper - Ergonomic

Seam Ripper - Ergonomic #ad

Rounded design fits comfortably in your hand. Lessens stress on those with arthritis or carpal tunnel.
Blade is electronically ground for permanent sharpness and features a safety ball on tip to protect fabric.
Affiliate Link to Amazon

Sewing Gauge

Sewing Gauge #ad

A sewing gauge with a sliding marker that will stay in place for repeated marking.
Sliding measure sets distance for marking hems, tucks, pleats and buttonholes.
Affiliate Link to Amazon

Sewing Scissors

Sewing Scissors #ad

A huge selection of sewing scissors are available at Affiliate Link to

Singer Pearlized Head Straight Pins

Singer Pearlized Head Straight Pins #ad

150 count, assorted color head pins, 1 1/4" Affiliate Link to Amazon

Valentine Goodie Bags Tutorial - pin

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