
How to make T-shirt yarn Tutorial (T-Yarn)

Do you have old T-shirts? Don't throw them away! Repurpose them into T-shirt yarn! Our video tutorials show how to transform old T-shirts into yarn that can be used to crochet, knit, weave, or braid. T-shirt yarn can also be used as an elastic substitute when making face masks.

After making the yarn, do you need project ideas for what to make with it? T-shirt yarn can be used for many home decor and other projects, including rugs, placemats, coasters, necklaces, baskets, and more. It is also suitable for macrame. Our T-shirt Yarn Crafts page has a list of many free craft projects.Learn how to make T-Shirt yarn for crochet - Ad 2

Watch this video and read on for a photo tutorial with step-by-step instructions on how to make T-shirt yarn, also known as T-yarn.

COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To watch the whole video tutorial, click the link How to make T-shirt yarn Tutorial (T-Yarn) to open it in Youtube.

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What is T-Yarn?

It is yarn made from an old T-shirt. However, many stores sell T-yarn, which is simply yarn made from jersey fabric.t-shirt yarn ball

DIY t-shirt yarn tutorial

HELPFUL TIPS when making t-shirt yarn

  • The tee shirt should not have any side seams.
  • If the tee shirt has printing, only use the unprinted portion.
  • To cut the t-shirt yarn, use sharp fabric scissors.
  • If you want to make t-yarn but have no old t-shirts, you can purchase them from craft stores and dollar stores.

STEP 1: Cut Off Top and Bottom

Cutting the t-shirt for t-shirt yarn- Preparing T-shirt Start by placing the tee-shirt flat on a work surface. Cut off the sleeves by cutting a horizontal line directly under the armhole. If the t-shirt has a printed logo, cut it horizontally below the printing.

Then, cut off the hem at the bottom of the shirt. Set the sleeves and hem aside for another purpose.

After removing the sleeves and hem, you are left with the middle section, which is a rectangular tube. Fold the t-shirt from the fold side up toward the fold side, leaving the top fold sticking out about 1".

STEP 2: Cutting Strips

Cutting the t-shirt strips for t-shirt yarn - Cutting Strips Start cutting strips, but do not cut through the top fold. You can mark the strip width with a chalk pencil or eyeball it. The width of the strips will determine the thickness of the yarn. The strip widths are normally one to two inches. The minimum width should be about ½”.

After all the strips are cut, it should look like the following picture.
T-shirt yarn - Strips Cut

STEP 3: Making One Continuous Strip of Yarn

Cutting the t-shirt continuous strip for t-shirt yarn
To make one continuous t-shirt yarn strip, referring to the above photo, unfold the t-shirt.  With scissors, cut diagonally from the top of the first slit to the left side of the fabric. Then cut from the top of the second slit to the bottom of the first slit. Continue cutting diagonally across the entire t-shirt.  

Now, you will have a single long strip of continuous t-shirt yarn.

STEP 4: Stretch It

Next, turn the strip into a tubular yarn. Begin at one end of the strip and stretch it between your hands. The fabric will magically curl on itself. Keep stretching the entire length of the yarn.

STEP 5: Wrap Yarn Into a Ball

After the t-shirt yarn is stretched, roll the t-yarn into a ball.T-Shirt Yarn Ball

The t-shirt yarn is ready to use. You can use it as you would any other yarn in crochet and knitting projects.  Need some ideas?  Visit our T-Shirt Yarn Crafts page for lots of free ideas.

To make your t-shirt yarn even longer, connect the sections using one of our two methods: join without sewing or join by sewing.

Have fun making a project with your t-shirt yarn!Annette's Signature


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.

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T-Shirt Yarn

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Learn how to make T-Shirt yarn for crochet - Pin

T-Shirt Yarn is a elastic substitute for mask making.

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