Printable Graph Paper (Grid Paper)
Graph or grid paper is used for many types of craft projects. It can be used for creating designs for needlepoint, cross-stitch, or quilting. The uniform squares to make a perfect place for kids to draw designs. Add the colors in and then create a project.
This Graph or Grid paper can also be used for school math assignments when graphing is required.
Below we have many sources for free printable graph paper. Print some on your own printer and never run out of graph paper.
What is a Grid or Graph Paper?
Grid and/or graph paper is a paper that is printed with horizontal and vertical lines that form squares on the paper. The lines are quite fine in order to allow for drawing on the page. The lines section the paper which makes it perfect for designing patterns.
This paper is also used in engineering and math problems. It's wonderful for Art projects too.
It is also known as Axis Paper since it has lines going on both the X & Y axis making it easy to draw graphs.
Graph papers are printed with a certain number of squares per inch.
How do I use graph paper for Kids Crafts?
Find a free printable graph paper from the links below. The paper can be printed with your home printer.
Each block on the paper would represent a square. For example, it can be used to create fuze bead designs and each square would represent a fuze bead. Draw on your paper the pattern you would like to make. Indicate which colors to be used by using different colored pencils. Another way to indicate different colors is to use a code for each color and then provide a legend/decode on the page.
Once you have the drawing finalized, the design can be used to create your project.
We also have a printable graph paper to use for beading projects, cross-stitch & needlework graph paper, or quilting graph paper. Click the link to find the paper that is specific for these projects.
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Free printable graph paper for designing your own cross stitch patterns. This is a full-page graph paper and the size of the squares is customizable. Make the perfect graph paper for your project.
Cyber Stitchers
Make your own custom-sized graph paper. This is fully customizable by picking a number of rows and columns and thickness of the lines.
Teaching Tools
This is a simple free printable graph paper with grids.
Ameri-Brand Products Inc.
Learn how to make your own graph paper using Microsoft Excel. This article will show you how to convert Excel worksheet into graph paper. The graph paper can be customized to your specific needs.
Addictive Tips
Many different formats of free printable graph paper with various counts per inch and styles.
Printable Paper
Find many printable graph papers in different sizes to accommodate many types of patterns for cross-stitch or needlepoint.
This page has all kinds of printable graph paper with options to print different densities of boxes and many different types: multi-color, circle grid, accented grid, dots, boxes, cross grid, hex box and more.
This page even includes many patterns like hexagonal, knitting grid, triangle, brick, Celtic knot, circles, diamonds, tumbling blocks and more. All are also customizable to your needs!
Printable Math Grids
Do 2 Learn
Customize the graph paper to different size paper, different grid spacing per inch, different grid color and more.
Printable graph paper with dots instead of lines. Can be customize to your specific needs.