We have an extensive list of different brand needlepoint yarn and wool conversion charts. We have conversion charts for brands DMC, Anchor, Elizabeth Bradley, Gloriana Lorkieet, Paterna wool, and Waverly wool.
Patterns and designs usually list a particular brand or type of needlepoint yarn or wool. If you prefer to use a different brand or even type of yarn, these needlepoint thread color conversion charts will help you convert yarn colors from one brand to another.
We have manufacturer published needlepoint yarn conversion charts along with charts done by independent stores or websites. The ideal way to choose colors for your projects is, of course, to have actual yarn so you can compare them to the available yarn you have on hand or you can purchase at your favorite shop, but these charts can help you make selections. Be aware that the converted color may not be an exact match but a close substitute.
With this extensive list of yarn color conversion charts, hopefully, you will find what you need!
We also have Needlework Thread Conversion Charts and Color Charts for floss, beads, threads, and other charts.
Be sure to pin or bookmark this page so you will be able to find the yarn conversion charts when you need them.
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List of Anchor tapestry wools old numbers with conversion to new numbers.
Needle Graphics
A conversion chart to know the new Anchor taspestry wool number.
Willow Fabrics
Convert tapestry wool from Anchor to DMC brand with this handy conversion chart.
Needle Graphics
A conversion chart for Anchor art. 6801 to DMC art 486.
My Stitch World
Convert between Anchor Tapestry Wool and Paternayan Wool and DMC Mouline with this one conversion chart.
Needle Graphics
An article on how much yarn is required to fill in the background.
Needlepoint Teacher
Conversion Chart for various DMC threads - DMC Mouline Art.117 - DMC Cotton Perle Art 116/8 - DMC Rayon Art.1008 - Dmc Retors Art. 89 - DMC Laine Colbert Art 486 - DMC Medicis Art. 475 -
Dmc Cotton a Broder Art. 107
My Stitch World
This handy chart by Stitchers Village converts DMC to Appleton.
Stitchers Village
A table showing the closest corresponding colours between the different DMC threads.
Casa Cenina
Quilter's Store
A handy color chart of DMC Tapestry Wool.
Lyn's Fine Needlework
A conversion chart for converting DMC wool to Anchor wool.
Willow Fabrics
DMC tapestry wool color number and color swatch.
123 Stitch
Willow Fabrics
Alphabetic and numberical checklist for this type of thread. It is a 9 ply Australian Wool.
Gloriana Threads
The table below shows you how many individual strands you should use when stitching. It depends on the fiber or yarn chosen and the canvas mesh chosen.
Chelsea Needlepoint
A handy color chart for Paterna Tapestry Wool.
Lyn's Fine Needlework
Needlework Discount
Charts which list the average usage of different tapestry yarn for different counts of canvas using Basketweave stitch.
Needlepoint Teacher
This converter converts Anchor Stranded Cotton, Anchor Tapestry Wood, DMC Floss, DMC Tapestry Wool, Kreinik, Appleton, Madeira, Mill Hill Bead, Offray Ribbons, Paterna, Paternayan, Rajmahal.
The Cross Stitch Guild
Needlework Discount