
Awesome Angel Crafts for Adults

I think having angels in and around the house gives it a sweet feel.  Although angel ornaments and decorations are traditionally seen as classics for Christmas, they can be a nice addition to your home decor.

Not only have we found a number of Christmas angel crafts to share with you, but we also have links to angel crafts that could be displayed any time of the year!

According to one legend, having an angel on display symbolizes a request for God’s guidance to be given in the home.

Whatever your reason for wanting to make an angel craft, we have great ideas below.

Angel Crafts for Your Home

There are many links on this page if your focus is not solely on the holidays.  For example, take a look at the Angel from Mixed Creations.  This angel craft is designed to give you an angel to use any time of the year.

The angel is crafted using repurposed light fixture parts!  We at love to make crafts using repurposed or recycled materials, and this is right up our alley!  

If you are interested in taking a look at our other projects made from repurposed materials, look at this link to our trash to treasure department. We can give you so many project ideas!

Another angel craft to make for your home is the Clay Pot Garden Angel from  It does involve finding several items that you might not readily have on hand in your craft room, but the finished piece is so cute.  

This garden angel craft would be worth a trip to the hobby or craft store to pick up grapevine wreaths, Spanish moss, and wooden Shaker pegs. It would make a wonderful addition to your flower garden.

There are many more angel crafts to make for your home.  Just scroll down!

Christmas Angel Crafts

Since angels have a strong connection to Christmas, they are a very popular crafting theme in December. (or January if you are like me and start Christmas crafts early!)

Angel ornaments are a classic holiday ornament found on many Christmas trees. We have links to Christmas angel crafts for ornaments which will look lovely as they adorn your tree this year or as gifts for someone else's tree!  

The Farm House Angel Ornament from The Country Chic Cottage is made with burlap and lace to give it a rustic look; it's a nice change from ribbons and brightly colored fabric.

Take a look at the Bead Angel from Craft Bits!  These Christmas craft ornaments are just darling, and they are made from teardrop crystals for the body. They glitter and shine against the lights strung on the Christmas tree.

There are many more Christmas angel crafts below. And don't leave the kiddos out!  We have a special page just for angel crafts for kids.  If you crochet or knit head over to our 50+ Free Crochet Angel Patterns or Free Knit Angel Patterns pages

I say It’s never too early to get started on your Christmas crafting!

Awesome Angel Crafts for Adults

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Think creatively! What do you have around the house? Here is an angel idea using light parts. Mixed Kreations



Learn how to draw this cute angel. Easy Drawing Guides

Angel Magnets

Angel Magnets

Mix up some baking soda clay and make these angel magnets for yourself or to give as gifts. Sustain My Craft Habit

Angel Quilt Wall Hanging

Wall hanging with applique angel and log cabin blocks. Crafty College

Bead Angel

Bead Angel

This Christmas tutorial shows you how to make a Christmas Tree Angel with a teardrop Crystal. Craft Bits

Butterfly Angel

Paint this free angel pattern on a glass jar. North Pole Christmas

Christmas Angel

Create this lovely Christmas Angel made with Plastic Canvas for your table, centerpiece or even as a tree topper. BJ Craft Supplies

Christmas Angel Ornament

Craft A Project

Christmas Bell Angel

Christmas Bell Angel

This Christmas craft tutorial shows you how to make a Giant Christmas Angel decoration using items from the Dollar Tree Store. Craft Bits

Clay Pot Angel

A cute, inexpensive angel to make and sit around as a decoration for your home or office at Christmas. Free Craftz

Clothespin Angel Ornament

Clothespin Angel Ornament

Are you looking for an easy and fast ornament to make for the holidays? Try this clothespin angel ornament! Ann's Entitled Life

Cork Angel Ornaments

Cork Angel Ornaments

With a cork and a few easy-to-find craft supplies, you can make cork angels to hang on the tree. This Mama Loves

Farmhouse Angel Ornament

Farmhouse Angel Ornament

Give your angel ornament a rustic twist by making the angel with burlap. The Country Chic Cottage

Folded Book Angel

Folded Book Angel

Take an old paperback book and learn how to fold it into a book angel in 30 minutes. Christine's Crafts

Light Bulb Angel Ornament

Light Bulb Angel Ornament

Repurpose a used light bulb into a cute angel ornament. Crafts by Amanda

Paper Doily Angel

With this free tutorial, using a few simple materials and tools make a whole choir of paper doily angels. Fun EZ Crafts

Pine Cone Angel Ornament

Pine Cone Angel Ornament

Crafting with nature is fun! Grab some pine cones and make angel ornaments. Red Ted Art

Wire Angel

There are numerous things you can do with this wire angel - ornament, name tag holder, wall hanging. Auntie Kara's Crafts

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Annette & Chris are a mother/daughter team. We've brought you craft projects and tutorials through this web site for over 20 years.

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Annette & Chris are a mother/daughter team. We've brought you craft projects and tutorials through this web site for over 20 years.

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