Let's give a second life to plastic bags and make future fabric!
Why fuse plastic bags?
The plastic that is fused into fabric is perfect for making things that need to be durable or waterproof. Once the fused plastic bag fabric is made, it can be used to make wallets, lunch sacks, make up bags, sunglasses cases....the list goes on!
What should I use to cut plastic bags for fusing?
For this tutorial, scissors are used to cut the handles and bottom off of the plastic bags. Another method is to use a rotary cutter to cut off the parts that are not wanted.
Some crafters choose to cut off the labels of the plastic bags, but this is not necessary. Simply fold the plastic bag inside out, with the label inside, and the bag is ready for fusing with the label on.
Be sure not to keep the label on the outside as it may melt when ironing.
![How to Fuse Plastic Bags into Fabric - fb]()
Learn how to fuse plastic bags into fabric by watching our video or keep reading this post for step-by-step written photo instructions.
COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To
watch the whole video tutorial, click the link How to Fuse Plastic Bags into a Fabric to open it in Youtube.
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learn how to make fabric from plastic bags
WHAT YOU NEED to fuse plastic bags into fabric:
INSTRUCTIONS to fuse plastic bags
STEP 1: organize the plastic bags
From the collection of plastic bags, start by sorting them into colors. If yellow plastic bag fabric is wanted, find enough yellow plastic bags to be able to fold into 6-8 layers in a reasonable and usable fabric size.
In this tutorial, a newspaper bag was used to make fabric, and some of the blue newspaper bag was cut up and placed in with white plastic bags to make designs on the fused plastic bag fabric.
![Fuse Plastic Bags Into Fabric_1.1.1]()
Find like colors to fuse together, adding accents of other plastic bags if desired.
STEP 2: Prepare the plastic bags for ironing
Some plastic bags have a design on them.
![Fuse Plastic Bags Into Fabric_1.1.5]()
Be sure to turn the bag inside out as the design might melt when ironed.
![Fuse Plastic Bags Into Fabric_1.1.2]()
Lay each of the plastic bags to be fused flatly on a work surface.
![Fuse Plastic Bags Into Fabric_1.1.3]()
Using scissors, cut off the bottom and handles of each bag that will be made into fused plastic bag fabric.
![Fuse Plastic Bags Into Fabric_1.1.4]()
Layer the bags so that when folded they will make a useful sized fabric piece, folding the bags so there are 6-8 layers of plastic.
![Fuse Plastic Bags Into Fabric_1.1.8]()
Step 3: Protect the iron and plastic bags with parchment paper
Tear off two sheets of parchment paper large enough to cover the folded plastic bags to be fused.
![Fuse Plastic Bags Into Fabric_1.1.10]()
If parchment paper is not available, brown paper bags or Kraft paper can be used.
Take the folded fusible plastic bags to the iron board and put them between the parchment paper or paper bag.
![Fuse Plastic Bags Into Fabric_1.1.13]()
This will protect the iron from melted plastic and will protect the plastic from melting.
step 4: Fuse the plastic bags with an iron
Set the iron at a rayon/polyester setting. Once at the ironing board with 6-8 layers of plastic between a piece of parchment paper or brown paper bag, use the iron to fuse the plastic bags.
![Fuse Plastic Bags Into Fabric_1.1.12]()
Keep the iron moving the entire time, making sure to fuse all sides and the center of the plastic bags. Iron each section for about 10-15 seconds.
Next, turn the project over and iron the same way on the back with the parchment paper covering the fused plastic bags. If bubbles are visible, keep ironing. Be sure to keep the iron moving the entire time and iron each section of the fusible plastic bags for no longer than 15 seconds.
And there it is! Fusing the plastic bag is complete! Get ready to use the new plastic bag fabric for the next waterproof project!
I hope you enjoyed learning to use an iron to fuse plastic bags and make them into usable fabric. This is a true recycling project!
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
other recycling projects
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