
How to make Shoe Laces by Spool Knitting

Do you enjoy spool knitting projects? This tutorial shows how to use a spool knitter to create DIY shoe laces.

It is trendy to have colorful laces in sneakers, and with the instructions on this page, creative and custom laces can be made.

A spool knitter has four pegs, but for this project, only two pegs are used to make the cord narrow enough to pass through the holes in the sneakers.

With a little bit of time and very few supplies, this spool-knitted project of making shoe laces can be completed.

If you like spool knitting, scroll down under Annette's signature to find more projects!Spool Knitted Shoelaces Tutorial - fb

Don't know how to spool knit? Check out our page on spool knitting to learn the basics. Our spool knitting projects page has many other fun projects to make with your spool knitter. Spool knitting is fun for kids and adults, and many surprising things can be made with a spool knitter.

Click the link below to watch our video on YouTube and learn more about making DIY shoe laces, or read this post for a photo tutorial with step-by-step instructions.

COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To watch the whole video tutorial, click the link How to make Shoe Laces by Spool Knitting to open it in Youtube.

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WHAT YOU NEED to make spool knitted shoe laces

Shoe Lace Spool Knitting_1.1.1

INSTRUCTIONS to make DIY shoe laces

STEP 1: Begin spool knitting

Take the length of yarn and thread it down into the spool knitter. Although the spool knitter has four pegs, only two will be used for this project.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.1

With the working yarn, wrap it around two adjacent pegs, making a figure eight design.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.4Then, bring the yarn back around to the front of the first peg.

Using the spool knitting hook, take the bottom loop and loop it over the top of the peg.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.5

Wrap the yarn in a figure eight around the second peg, and, as before, use the hook to loop the bottom loop over the peg.

Remember to gently pull the bottom of the cord down through the spool knitter after looping over the pegs. 

Continue spool knitting until the shoelace is the desired length.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.6

Step 2: finish off the end of the cord

To take the cord off the spool knitter, the end must be finished.

Do this by casting off the stitches.  Make your final stitch.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.7

Using the hook, lift the loop on the last stitch you made and place the loop on the other peg.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.9  This peg now has two loops in it. Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.10To cast off, with the pick or hook, lift the bottom loop and pass it up and over the peg. 

Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.8There will now be one loop on the peg. 

Cut the yarn, leaving a good tail length.  Gently remove this last loop from the peg.  Insert the yarn tail into the loop and draw it through the loop.  Pull the yarn tightly to knot the loop.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.12

Step 3: Lace the shoes

Remove the old laces from the shoes.

Take the two tapestry needles and thread one on each tail on either end of the cord.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.11

The tapestry needle will make it easier to put the laces in the shoes.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.13

Begin at the toe of the shoe and lace both holes.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.14

Make sure that there is the same amount of cording on either side of the shoe.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.15

Use the tapestry needle to finish lacing the shoe.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.16

step 4: finish the ends of the cording

The yarn tails need to be woven into the shoe laces.

Take the yarn on the tapestry needles and insert each one into the center of the cord, coming up about an inch or an inch and a half from the end.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.17

Using the scissors, cut the yarn close to the cording.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.18

Tie a knot at the end of each cord so the laces do not slip out of the shoe.Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.19Repeat this process to make the second shoelace.

Once the two shoes are laced up, put them on and tie a nice bow. The new laces are ready to show off!Spool Knit Shoelaces_1.1.20

I hope you enjoyed learning how to make these DIY shoe laces. To make the laces pop, try using variegated yarn like the example!Annette's Signature


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.

Other Spool Knitting Projects:

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