
Valentine's Day Heart Mobile

Time for DIY Valentine's Day crafts. If you have kids or grandkids, they will enjoy making this easy Valentine's Day Heart Mobile. Imagine how delighted they will be seeing in hanging in their home.

Watch this video tutorial and read on to see how to make this mobile.Valentine Heart Mobile Tutorial

COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To watch the whole video tutorial, click the link Valentine's Day Heart Mobile to open it in Youtube.

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Valentine Heart Mobile Tutorial


Valentine Heart Mobile Tutorial

  • 8" Wood Embroidery Hoop
  • Valentine's Day Glitter Hearts
  • Hemp Cording
  • Eye Pins
  • Craft Glue
  • Ribbon
  • Ruler
  • Scissor
  • Hot Glue



Valentine Heart Mobile Tutorial

For this mobile, I use 6 hearts. You can use more or less if you wish.

Dip the pin of the eye pin in craft glue and insert the pin into the top of the each heart.

Valentine Heart Mobile Tutorial


Valentine Heart Mobile Tutorial

To hang the hearts from the embroidery hoop, I used hemp cording. However, you could use yarn, twine or another type of string. Cut 3 pieces of cording 12” long and 3 pieces 14” long.

Valentine Heart Mobile Tutorial

Attach one end of the cording to a heart though the eye pin. Tie a knot. Continue attaching string to all the hearts.


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.


Valentine Heart Mobile Tutorial

Discard the outer ring of the embroidery hoop. This can be used for another craft. Tie each heart around the hoop equally spaced, alternating a long one and then a short one. If you want to make sure the knots are more secure and will not come loose, hot glue them to the inside of the hoop.

Valentine Heart Mobile Tutorial


To make the hanger for the mobile, cut two 24” lengths of cord and tie them to the hoop spacing them equally into fourths.
At the top, tie an overhand knot in the center of the cords.


Valentine Heart Mobile Tutorial

Hot glue ribbon around the hoop.

Viola! The Valentine's Day mobile is complete. It will look so festive hanging in the home.

Valentine Heart Mobile Tutorial

IMPORTANT NOTE: When child are making crafts with hot glue, please have adult supervision.

If you would like to make the rose frame as seen in the above photo, click the image below.

Supporting Products and links: Some of the links below may be affiliate links. We make a small commission on sales through the affiliate links, at no extra cost to you. Thank you in advance for your purchase and your support! Please see our full Affiliate Statement for more information.

Embroidery Hoops - Various Sizes

Embroidery Hoops - Various Sizes #ad

Embroidery hoops can be used for embroidering and also a variety of craft projects. Affiliate Link to Amazon

Eye Pins - Assorted Sizes

Eye Pins - Assorted Sizes #ad

Eye pins are designed with a loop already at one end, eliminating the need to create one of the loops. This allows the bead to act as a connector to the other elements in the piece. Affiliate Link to Amazon

Glue Gun

Glue Gun #ad

Glue guns come in various sizes and styles. Every household should have a glue gun. Affiliate Link to Amazon

Hemptique hs20va Earthy Cord Spool 20-Pound, Earthy

Hemptique hs20va Earthy Cord Spool 20-Pound, Earthy #ad

Create lovely bracelets, necklaces, dreamcatchers, mobiles, coiled baskets, decorative balls and more with this classic, easy-to-tie and knot cord. Hemp cord is easy to work with and cuts readily with scissors to desired length.
Available in three colors: black, tan and white
Affiliate Link to Amazon


Scissors #ad

Find a nice selection of scissors at Amazon. Affiliate Link to Amazon

Valentine Heart Mobile Tutorial Valentine Heart Mobile Tutorial

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