Learn how to thread a needle easily!
Threading any needle can often be difficult. This is especially true when threading a needle with thicker threads like yarn or embroidery thread.
The strands of yarn or floss will often separate, and not all of the individual strands of floss will go through the needle. This is very frustrating and not much fun for hand sewers.
I have tried several different ways to help with this task, such as various needle-threaders like those with a wire loop or a thin hook, but this quick tip is the easiest way.
Click the link below to watch a video tutorial on this easy way to thread a needle for embroidery, crewel, or other types of needlework or read this post for a photo tutorial with step-by-step instructions.
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WHAT YOU NEED to thread a needle easily
- Yarn or embroidery floss
- Paper
- Scissors
- Type of needle with a larger needle eye
INSTRUCTIONS for an easy way to thread an embroidery needle
This needle threading tip works wonderfully when threading an embroidery needle or a tapestry needle. A piece of paper is the best needle threader - it's always available, economical and handy.
STEP 1: Cut the paper
The first thing to do is to use the scissors to cut the paper about 1" long.
Be sure to cut the paper to a width that will fit through the size of the needle's eye.
step 2: Place yarn or floss in the paper
Fold the narrow strip of paper in half. It is a good idea to have a ready fold when attempting to insert the end of the strands of thread or yarn into the paper. Place the end strands of embroidery floss or yarn between the fold of the paper.
Pinch with the index finger and thumb at the fold to keep the yarn or floss inside.
step 3: thread the needle
Take the folded piece of paper with the yarn or floss inside and slide it into the eye of your needle.
Be sure to keep the end of the yarn or floss inside the paper.
Push the entire piece of paper with the yarn inside it through the needle's eye.
The yarn or floss will be threading through the eye of the needle as the paper passes through.
Remove the piece of paper after the yarn or embroidery floss has been pulled through the eye of the needle.
The eye of a needle is now neatly threaded!
I hope you enjoyed learning how to thread a needle with yarn or embroidery floss. Try this quick and handy tip the next time you are hand sewing.
A little practice will make threading the needle so much easier!
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Quick tips!