
How to Alter Pants that are Too Big in the Waist - Easy DIY Fix!

Today, I have a quick and easy alteration project for you! Thrifting is one of my favorite ways to get new clothes, but often, the cutest pieces are not quite my size. That doesn’t mean they have to go to the landfill, though!

In this thrift flip project, I will show how to alter the waistband of any pair of pants, shorts, or skirts that need it. This project is simple and easy for beginners and is my preferred method of altering pants. How to Alter Pants Waist that's too Big - fb

Click the link below to watch our YouTube video tutorial on making your jeans fit perfectly.  Keep reading for a photo tutorial.

COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To watch the whole video tutorial, click the link How to Alter Pants that are Too Big in the Waist - Easy DIY Fix! to open it in Youtube.

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What if I need larger pants later on?

No worries! My preferred method of altering pants is reversible. All you need is a seam ripper or a pair of small scissors! The extra fabric is left in the waistband, so it can be let out if needed.

This method aims to make your beloved pants last many years, so I always leave room for future alterations.

WHAT YOU NEED to take in the pants' waist

  • Pants to alter
  • Straight sewing pins
  • Safety pins
  • (Optional) Chalk, tailor’s chalk, or a pencil.
  • Needle and thread, or a sewing machine.

Alter Pants Waist 2 Supplies

INSTRUCTIONS How to alter pants with a dart

Step one: Measuring how much to take in. 

First, try on the pants.Alter Pants Waist 3 Showing Extra

Pinch the extra fabric on both sides until the waistband fits comfortably.Alter Pants Waist 4 Pinch Sides

Drop one side and keep your fingers pinched on the other side.Alter Pants Waist 5 Pinch Closeup

Then, measure how much fabric you have pinched out.Alter Pants Waist 6 Measure PinchFor these pants, this is a little more than an inch. Keep this measurement in mind, as it is essential! 

Step 2: Making the darts

I like to make my darts in the back of the pants, one over each pocket (or in the middle of each panel). Since I leave the extra fabric in the darts instead of cutting it out, placing them on the sides would create uncomfortable bulk. In my opinion, putting the darts in the back hides them more.Alter Pants Waist 1 Pants

Flip your pants inside out, and lay on a flat surface with the front facing down.

Over one pocket, pinch out the same amount of fabric as you measured earlier. Fold and measure to confirm.Alter Pants Waist 7 Make Dart

Then, place a safety pin at the base of the fold.Alter Pants Waist 8 Pin

Using safety pins in this step allows you to check the fit of the pants before continuing. Repeat on the other side to create two pinned darts. Alter Pants Waist 9 Pin two darts

Try the pants on to see if they fit correctly. If they are too large, pinch the extra fabric and add that to your darts. If they are too small, remove the safety pins and try again from step one. Once you are happy with the fit, change the safety pins to straight ones. 

An optional step is to sketch your stitching line using tailor chalk or a marking pencil. The dart will start next to the pin and then taper towards the edge of the fold.

I like marking my stitching line to ensure my darts are even before sewing. Make sure your sewing line doesn’t hit the pants pockets, if there are any. Alter Pants Waist 10 Mark Darts

Step 3: Sewing the darts

Thread the sewing machine with thread matching the pants' color. Sew the dart along the line using a straight stitch at the normal stitch length. You may need Jeans or a 90/14 needle to sew through the pants' fabric. Don't forget to backtack at the beginning and end of the dart.Alter Pants Too Big Sewing Dart_1.31.1

Can I hand sew the Darts?

Yes! This project can be sewn by hand with a needle and thread. I recommend using the backstitch to sew the dart. The backstitch is stronger than the running stitch and will hold. If you would like a tutorial on how to hand stitch the backstitch, click this link to see our tutorial.

Step 4: Topstitch the darts flat

To keep the darts in place and flat along the pant waistband, fold the dart flat against the waistband.  Then, topstitch along the top edge of the dart. This will keep the darts tucked out of the way when wearing the pants.Alter Pants Waist 12 Sew Darts Flat

If you are hand stitching, stitch the dart down using a running stitch, as it does not need as much strength.Alter Pants Waist 12 Showing Sewn Darts

And you’re done! Give the pants a press with your iron and they are ready to wear. Here’s how mine turned out.Alter Pants Waist 13 Showing Outside of Pants

Here is what it looks like when I'm wearing the pants. I wear shirts or sweaters that cover my waistband so the darts won't show.Alter Pants Waist 14 Wearing Adjusted Pants

Below are some close-up photos of the darts.Alter Pants Waist 16 Closeup Dart 1 Alter Pants Waist 17 Closeup Dart 2

I hope you enjoyed this quick and easy alteration tutorial! Happy sewing!Milo's Signature  


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.

Other Mending Tutorials:

Alter Pants too Big in Waist - pin

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