Easter will be here soon and it’s time for bunnies! Our stuffed bunnies will bring a smile to your face as they are so cute and quick to make!
Decorate with these cute stuffed bunnies by adding them to Easter baskets and wreaths or give them as gifts.
Spring fabrics and colors are perfect for making these fabric bunnies. Maybe you have some fabrics in your stash or search through your scrap bin! Since the stuffed bunny pattern uses a small amount of fabric, it's a good pattern for using up your scraps.![DIY Stuffed Fabric Bunnies - fb]()
After sewing, decorate the bunnies with some ribbon and a small pom pom for the tail. Use up some leftover lace, ribbons, beads to decorate the fabric bunnies or leave them as is.
This free bunny sewing pattern can be sewn on either a serger or a sewing machine. This tutorial will show you both methods!
If you don't have time to make your own scrap fabric bunnies, there are several Etsy shops that sell the finished stuffed bunnies.
In this post and video tutorial, I will show you how to sew up some cute stuffed bunny decorations using our free stuffed bunny pattern. Click the link below to watch a full tutorial on YouTube or keep reading!
If you would like an ad free printable version of this tutorial optimized for printing, please visit our
Etsy Shop listing for Stuffed Bunny Pattern & Tutorial #ad.
For a small fee, you can purchase a PDF downloadable version of this tutorial.
Keep reading for the free version of this tutorial.
COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To
watch the whole video tutorial, click the link Free Stuffed Bunny Pattern & Tutorial to open it in Youtube.
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For the stuffed bunnies you will need:
Find links to these supplies and the pattern template at the end of this tutorial.
- Fabrics
- Serger – three matching threads with one being a stretch thread (optional)
- Sewing machine – matching thread & bobbin
- Fiber fill Stuffing
- Ribbon or twine
- Poms for bunny tail
- Fabric Glue
- Other decorations (beads, lace, ribbons, etc)
- Free Printable Pattern PDF
![Stuffed Bunny Supplies]()
Get The Free Bunny Pattern Template
The first thing you will need is the free bunny pattern template. Scroll to the end of this tutorial for a link to download the free stuffed bunny pattern as a printable PDF.
Download the pattern and print it out.![Stuffed Bunny Template]()
Select Fabrics
Pick out fabric scraps that are at least 4” x 8” in size. Two fabrics are used for each bunny. The same fabric can be used on the front and back, or mix it up with different fabrics.![Stuffed Bunny Fabrics]()
Cut Out the stuffed bunny Pattern
Layer two pieces of fabric with WRONG sides together and place the stuffed bunny pattern template on top and pin it in place. ![Stuffed Bunny Pin Template To Fabrics]()
Cut around the template.![Stuffed Bunny Cut Out Template]()
Remove the template. Keep the two pieces of fabric together and head over to the serger or sewing machine. Cut out a bunch of the bunny templates at once because they are fast to sew up!
![Stuffed Bunny Fabrics Cut Out]()
SERGER INSTRUCTIONS for Sewing the Stuffed Bunny Pattern
We will start with instructions for sewing on a serger sewing machine. Scroll down to find the instructions for sewing on a regular sewing machine.
Serger Step 1: Setup the Serger for a Rolled Hem Stitch
Set up the serger for a rolled hem stitch and if you have it, use stretch thread. This is almost the same stitch I used for making fabric napkins.![Stuffed Bunny Serger Stretch Thread]()
Stretch thread is perfect for these stuffed bunnies because it nicely covers the raw edge of the fabric.
The stretch thread is placed on the top loop thread position. For my serger, this is the blue thread position.
![Stuffed Bunny Serger Stretch Thread on]()
The rolled hem stitch uses three threads for the overlocking stitch.
Remove the left side needle and thread from the overlocker. Slightly tighten the screw for the removed needle and put it aside.![Stuffed Bunny Serger Remove Left Needle]()
If you have three thread overlocker, do not remove any thread or needles.
Set the stitch length to 1. The standard stitch length is 2.5 so this length is less than half the normal length.![Stuffed Bunny Serger Set Stitch Length]()
Pull the rolled hem selection lever towards you. This lever retracts a small point that the loops are formed over.![Stuffed Bunny Serger Set Rolled Hem Lever]()
When this lever is retracted, it causes the fabric to roll or fold over while stitching the rolled hem. In the photo above, my finger is showing the lever.
Next, adjust the tension knobs as follows. Before making adjustments, write down your original settings so you can return to them after finishing this project.
- The left thread (green) with the needle is set to 5 which is a little looser than normal.
- The thread on the upper looper (blue) is set to the lowest setting at 1.
- The thread on the lower looper (red) is set to the tightest setting at 9.
![Stuffed Bunny Serger Set Tensions]()
Lastly, for these fabric bunnies, we don’t want to trim the fabric, so disengage the cutter.![Stuffed Bunny Serger Cutter]()
In the photo above, I am pointing at the cutter.![Stuffed Bunny Serger Cutter Disengage Knob]()
The cutter disengagement knob is located under the left side cover of the machine.
To disengage the cutter, press the knob and turn towards you. You will see the cutter swing down and move out of place.
Serger Step 2: Sew around the bunny
The easiest way to sew the bunny is to start from one ear tip and sew down the side stopping at the bottom curve. Leave a 2" opening at the bottom of the bunny for stuffing.
Lift the presser foot and place the tip of the bunny ear under the foot and just at the needle. ![Stuffed Bunny Serger Start at Ear Tip]()
Start sewing down the side of the bunny. You will need to stop and lift the presser foot and turn the fabric to go around the curves. Keep the edge of the fabric showing in the presser foot. You can observe the fabric will turn under as it's sewn making the rolled hem. ![Stuffed Bunny Serger Hem Rolling]()
At the inner corner, stop with the needle in the fabric, lift the presser foot and turn. ![Stuffed Bunny Serger Stop at Inner corners to turn]()
Continue sewing down the side of the bunny.![Stuffed Bunny Serger Pivot and Continue]()
The photo below shows the first side of the bunny is sewn.![Stuffed Bunny Serger First Side Serged]()
Flip the fabric over and stitch the other side of the bunny in the same way. Remember to leave an opening. ![Stuffed Bunny Serger Sew Second Side]()
The photo below shows both sides of the bunny sewn. Along the bottom of the bunny is an opening that will be used to stuff the bunny.![Stuffed Bunny Serger Second Side Serged]()
Trim the threads at the ear tips and the bottom of the bunny.
Next, stitch across the ears. The easiest way to stitch is to pull the fabric open so that the stitching line across the ears is a straight line. The fabric will pucker in the center but don't worry about it as you are only stitching the two layers closed. Start from the tip of one ear, stitch across the center and then to the tip of the other ear.![Stuffed Bunny Serger Ears Flattened to sew]()
The bunny is stitched with an opening at the bottom for stuffing.![Stuffed Bunny Serger Bunny Sewn]()
Trim the threads to about 1/4" from the seam and then pull the ends to knot. ![Stuffed Bunny Serger Pull thread to knot]()
Serger Step 3: Stuff the fabric bunny
Take a small amount of polyester fiber fill and lightly stuff the bunny. Use a pencil or stick to push it up in the ears.
![Stuffed Bunny Serger Stuff Bunny]()
Push the fiber fill up and away just a bit from the opening so there is room to sew it closed. ![Stuffed Bunny Serger Push Stuffing Back from Seam]()
Serger Step 4: Sew opening closed
Sew the opening closed starting and ending the stitches by overlapping the previously stitched sides by an inch. Hold the fabric together at the opening and place the bunny under the presser foot. Start stitching about one inch before the end of your previous stitches so they overlap a bit.![Stuffed Bunny Serger Sew Closed]()
Stitch across to the other side and overlap a few stitches at the end.![Stuffed Bunny Serger Bunny Completed]()
As before, trim the threads about 1/4" and then pull the thread to knot it. Trim off the thread end.![Stuffed Bunny Serger Trim Threads]()
Trim the threads and pull the ends to knot.
The bunny is ready to be decorated. Next, I’ll show the sewing machine method. Scroll down to see how to decorate the stuffed fabric bunny. ![Stuffed Bunny Serger Ready to Decorate]()
Sewing machine INSTRUCTIONS for Sewing the Stuffed Bunny Pattern
Sewing Machine Step 1: Setup the machine
Thread your sewing machine with matching thread in the top and bobbin. I used white thread for my bunnies, but you can use any color that coordinates with the bunny fabrics. ![Stuffed Bunny Sewing Setup]()
Set the machine to a zig-zag and a short stitch length.![Stuffed Bunny Sewing Set Zig Zag Stitch]()
Sewing Machine Step 2: Sew around the bunny
As with the serger method, the easiest way to sew the bunny is to start from one ear tip and sew down the side stopping at the bottom curve. Stop before the center bottom of the bunny to leave a 2" opening at the bottom of the bunny for stuffing.
Lift the presser foot and place the tip of the bunny ear under the foot. ![Stuffed Bunny Sewing Start at Top of ear]()
Start the zig-zag stitch down the side of the bunny following the curves. When the needle swings to the left side of the zig-zag it should go into the fabric and the right side swing should stitch off the fabric.
This will wrap the thread around the edge of the fabric in a similar way the serger does.
As you stitch along the side, you will need to stitch around the curves. Stop with the needle down in the fabric and lift the presser foot slightly, turn the fabric and place the presser foot down. Keep the edge of the fabric aligned in the center of the presser foot.![Stuffed Bunny Sewing Sew Side]()
When approaching the inner corners, stop with the needle in the fabric, lift the presser foot and turn the fabric. ![Stuffed Bunny Sewing Needle Down at Inner corners]()
Continue sewing along the curve.
![Stuffed Bunny Sewing Pivot and continue]()
Stop at the bottom curve of the bunny. Leave a 2” opening to stuff the bunny.
Flip the fabric over and stitch the other side. The photo below shows both sides stitched. Trim the threads. ![Stuffed Bunny Sewing Second side sewn]()
Stitch across the ears. Pull the fabric open so it’s a straight line between the ears and stitch. Back tack at the beginning and ending. The photo below is of stitching the ears on the serger, but the method on the sewing machine is the same. ![Stuffed Bunny Serger Sewing across ears same as serger]()
Trim the threads. The fabric bunny is stitched and ready for stuffing.![Stuffed Bunny Sewing Across Ears Sewn]()
Sewing Machine Step 3: Stuff the Fabric bunnY
Take a small amount of polyester fiber fill stuffing and lightly stuff the bunny. Use a pencil or stick to get the stuffing into the ears. ![Stuffed Bunny Sewing Stuff Bunny]()
Push the polyester fiber fill up and away just a bit from the opening so you will be able to sew it closed.
Sewing Machine Step 3: SEW the OPENING CLOSED
Hold the fabric of the opening together. Start stitching an inch from where you stopped previously to overlap the stitches a bit. Don't forget to back tack at the beginning and end.![Stuffed Bunny Sewing Sew Closed]()
At the end, overlap the stitches a bit and back tack to secure the seam.
Trim the threads. The bunny is ready to be decorated.![Stuffed Bunny Sewing Finished]()
Decorate the Stuffed fabric bunny
Decorating the fabric bunny is optional. Ribbon, twine or lace can be tied in a bow around it's neck to decorate the stuffed fabric bunny.![Stuffed Bunny Decorate with ribbon]()
To add a tail, glue a small pom-pom to the back of the bunny with fabric glue.![Stuffed Bunny Decorate Glue on Tail]()
Place a good amount of glue on the pom-pom and place it on the back of the fabric bunny. Allow it to sit to dry.
![Stuffed Bunny Glue Tail]()
The stuffed fabric bunny is finished. Once you get started, these will stitch up very fast!![Stuffed Bunny Decorate Finished in Basket]()
We hope you enjoyed learning how to make these stuffed fabric bunnies. Gather your fabric scraps and stitch up these cute bunny decorations. Scroll down a bit more to get the free pattern template!
Happy Sewing!
If you would like an ad free printable version of this tutorial optimized for printing, please visit our
Etsy Shop listing for Stuffed Bunny Pattern & Tutorial #ad.
For a small fee, you can purchase a PDF downloadable version of this tutorial.
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
Other Serger Sewing Projects:
Other Easter or Springtime projects to make: