
How to Make a Fabric Pumpkin (Toilet Paper Roll Pumpkin)

A DIY Halloween Decoration! 

Pumpkins are associated with fall and Halloween decorations.  Why? Autumn is when pumpkins are harvested. 

So today, I am sharing how to make a cute fabric toilet paper pumpkin for the fall and the holiday season.  This fabric pumpkin project is SO easy, SO quick and SO inexpensive.

Toilet paper roll pumpkins are an easy, peasy kids craft idea.  The project only takes about 10 - 15 minutes to complete.  So grab some toilet paper rolls, some fabric, and a few craft supplies and let the kids create some chic looking pumpkins.Fabric Toilet Paper Roll Pumpkin - facebook

There are many kids Halloween craft projects available for free all around the Internet.  Look near the end of this article for more kids Halloween craft ideas.

Watch the video and continue reading for a photo tutorial with step-by-step instructions on how to make a fabric pumpkin.

COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To watch the whole video tutorial, click the link How to Make a Fabric Pumpkin (Toilet Paper Roll Pumpkin) to open it in Youtube.

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  • Toilet Paper Roll
  • 22” x 18” piece of fabric (fat quarter)
  • Scissor
  • Cut a strip from a brown paper bag - approximately 12" x 4" or 5"
  • Green felt
  • 12” Green pipe cleaner
  • Tacky glue

Fabric Toilet Paper Roll Pumpkin - Staged



Get out a toilet paper roll!  There are endless choices of fabric that can be used to make the pumpkin.  However, sometimes fabric can be expensive, but for this project, you only need a fat quarter.  Or check your scrap fabric stash to see if you have something you can use.

Let's get started.  Lay the fabric on a table with the print side down.  Next, place the toilet paper roll in the center of the fabric.Fabric Toilet Paper Roll Pumpkin - Wrap Roll

Begin gathering the fabric around the toilet paper roll and start tucking the ends of the fabric into the center of the roll. Continue gathering and tucking until the entire roll of toilet paper is covered with fabric. Fabric Toilet Paper Roll Pumpkin - Wrapped Roll


With the brown paper bag strip, roll it into a tube and glue the edge to prevent it from unrolling.Fabric Toilet Paper Roll Pumpkin - Roll Stem

To make the pumpkin leaf, from green felt cut out a pumpkin leaf shape. Note: If you need a template for the leaf pattern, just search online for pumpkin coloring pages, find one you like and use it as a pattern.Fabric Toilet Paper Roll Pumpkin - Cut Leaf

With a little tacky glue, glue a green pipe cleaner to the center of the leaf to create a stem.


When the leaf and stem are dry, wrap the pipe cleaner stem a few times around the paper pumpkin stem.Fabric Toilet Paper Roll Pumpkin - Wrap around stem

Place the stem/leaf piece into the center of the pumpkin roll.  To make the pumpkin curl, wrap the end of the pipe cleaner around your finger or a pencil.Fabric Toilet Paper Roll Pumpkin - Insert into Roll

That's It! The fabric pumpkin roll is finished!Fabric Toilet Paper Pumpkin Roll - Finished

These fabric pumpkins are fancy enough to adorn any room in your home. Group several together with different fabrics for a stunning display.

Fabric Pumpkin Roll - Staged 2

When it is time to put away the fall decorations, just store as is with your other decorations.  Or put the toilet paper roll back in the bathroom and the fabric back in your craft room.


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.

Other fun Halloween Craft Tutorials

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Felt Sheets

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Lots of felt sheet projects. Affiliate Link to

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A huge selection of sewing scissors are available at Affiliate Link to

Toilet Paper (Angel Soft)

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12 Double Rolls. Affiliate Link to Amazon

Fabric Toilet Paper Roll Pumpkin - pin

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