Time for Halloween crafts. Get kids involved with Halloween decorating by showing them how to make a classic Halloween craft - creepy-crawly egg carton spiders.
At the end of this article find more cool Halloween do-it-yourself crafts.![Egg Carton Spiders - fb]()
To learn how to make egg carton spiders watch this video tutorial and read on for a step-by-step written photo tutorial.
COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To
watch the whole video tutorial, click the link How to Make Halloween Egg Carton Spiders to open it in Youtube.
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- Cardboard Egg Carton
- Black Craft Paint
- Four Black Pipe Cleaners
- Craft Glue
- Paint Blush
- Paper Clip or Pushpin
- Two Googly Eyes
![Egg Carton Spiders - supplies]()
Cut an egg cup from a cardboard egg carton. It must be a cardboard egg carton because paint does not adhere to Styrofoam egg cups.
Place egg cup on a piece of newspaper and paint the cup inside and out with black craft paint. Allow it to dry thoroughly.![Egg Carton Spiders - Paint egg cups]()
To attach legs, with a paper clip or pushpin poke four holes along the bottom edge of one side. Then poke matching holes on the other side of the egg cup. With a pencil or pen enlarge the holes so pipe cleaners will fit into the holes.![Egg Carton Spiders - Make holes for legs]()
If you want to hang the spider, with a push pin make two small holes in the middle of the top of the egg cup before attaching legs. Insert string or yarn into the holes and tie off.
Cut a black pipe cleaner in half. Thread the pipe cleaner through one hole and out the matching hole on the other side. Repeat for the other three legs. Make sure the pipe cleaners are equal lengths on both sides.![Egg Carton Spiders - Add pipe cleaner legs]()
Bend the legs – Bend upward at the base of spider’s body, then fold downward to form the knee and bend the tip to make the foot.![Egg Carton Spiders - Add legs]()
After bending legs, the spider will look as below.![Egg Carton Spiders - Bend Legs]()
Finally, use craft glue to attach googly eyes. Allow the glue to dry.![Egg Carton Spiders - single finished]()
These spiders are a fun, simple craft activity for kids. They make great Halloween decorations: Hang them, sit them around the house, attach them to a wreath or spider web. HAVE FUN WITH THEM!
![Egg Carton Spiders - finished]()
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
Some great Fall and Halloween projects are below.