Do you have a hard time finding a gift for a teenager or college student?
A t-shirt pop-up container is a great Christmas, birthday or graduation gift.
Personalize the pop-up storage container by using t-shirts that have a personal meaning such as college or school t-shirts, sports team t-shirts, musical artist t-shirt or just any favorite t-shirt.
The pattern is by Fat Quarter Gypsy. At the end of the article are links to the T-Shirt Pop-Up pattern, pop-up refills, and other interesting pop-up projects.
Are you interested in other sewing projects? Look to the right for a link to all of our "Sewing Videos". Our Free Sewing Projects page has over 600 sewing projects.![T-Shirt Pop-Up Fabric Basket - KU]()
Learn about turning special t-shirts into fantastic pop-ups by watching this video and reading on.
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You can make the containers in four different sizes with the option of using one or more t-shirts.
- Small - 5 1/2 inches diameter x 6 inches high
- Medium - 8 inches diameter x 8 inches high
- Large - 10 1/2 inches diameter x 11 inches high
- Extra Large - 14-inch diameter x 16 inches high
The pattern for the t-shirt pop-up containers is by Fat Quarter Gypsy. The pattern does not include the pop-up spring; the hardware is sold separately.
- Fabric
- T-shirt(s)
- Midweight Stabilizer - 20 inches wide
- Rulers
- 4 - 8 Large Safety Pins
- Small Scissor
- Marking Pencil
- Pop-up Spring
- Small T-shirt Pop-Up - FQG121 Small Pop-Up Refill
- Medium T-Shirt Pop-Up - FQG123 Medium Pop-Up Refill
- Large T-Shirt Pop-Up - FQG124 Large Pop-Up Refill
- Extra Large T-Shirt Pop-Up - FQG125 Extra Large Pop-Up Refill
These containers can be used for all sorts of storage and organizational needs. They can be used as a laundry basket or to store sports gear, clothing, pens and pencils, electronics, ANYTHING. ![T-Shirt Pop-Up - Maximum Impact Karate]()
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
Besides the T-Shirt Pop-Up, Fat Quarter Gypsy has other pop-up items.
A fat quarter pop up container is another pop-up project. All you need to complete the project is one fat quarter of non-directional fabric or 3/8 yard if the fabric is directional, fusible light to medium weight interfacing, four large safety pins, a small scissor and marking pencil. To learn more about this project click the picture below:
Learn how to make a Fat Quarter Pop-Up Container
Make fun, easy baskets that can be used as an Easter basket or as a home décor basket.
Learn about the Pop-Up Basket
These projects are SEW much fun to sew and give as gifts.
You can purchase the patterns and supplies from the affiliate links below.
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