No Thanksgiving dinner table is complete without a festive centerpiece, napkin rings, place cards, candles and more!
Create a fun Thanksgiving decoration for your tablescape with our leaf napkin ring tutorial. These DIY Thanksgiving Napkin Rings are cheap napkin rings to make since you’ll only need a few supplies: scrap plastic canvas and scrap yarn.
This DIY napkin ring is an easy project to make, goes together quickly, can be completed with minimal effort and is much cheaper than purchasing napkin rings. If you already have the supplies, the cost is absolutely NOTHING!
You can also sew your very own DIY cloth napkins with this simple sewing project for beginners.
Take your Thanksgiving table up a notch by watching our video or reading this post to learn how to stitch up plastic canvas leaf napkin rings.
Want more ideas for Thanksgiving? There is a super collection of Thanksgiving and fall crafts ideas for adults on our website!
(Looking for Thanksgiving crafts for kids? We have those too!)
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how to make easy Thanksgiving napkin rings
To make this thanksgiving leaf napkin ring you will need :
- 7 count plastic canvas mesh sheet OR scrap plastic canvas
- Scrap Yarn, worsted weight
- Plastic Canvas Needle
- Scissor
- Leaf Napkin Ring Pattern (scroll down the page for the free pattern)
Need plastic canvas supplies, we recommend Michael's or Joann.
INSTRUCTIONS for making thanksgiving napkin rings :
STEP 1: gather supplies
Do you have scrap plastic canvas leftover from previous projects? Do you have scrap yarn? That's all you need to make some leaf napkin rings for the dinner table along with a needle and scissors.
Although I used Hunter Green and Burgundy yarn for the leaves; you can use a different color scheme based on the yarn on hand.
STEP 2: cut plastic canvas for a napkin ring
For the napkin ring, cut a rectangle from plastic canvas. Count the holes in the plastic canvas to cut a rectangle piece 10 holes x 36 holes.
Also cut a reinforcement piece 2 holes x 10 holes.
STEP 3: stitching leaf pattern
Thread the yarn through the plastic canvas needle eye. If you have difficulty, try this needle threading hack.
Following the chart, stitch the leaves using long slanted diagonal stitches and the tent stitch for the stem.
STEP 4: work background of the napkin ring
Then work the background with the tent stitch leaving two threads on each end unworked. These two threads will be used in joining the ring.
STEP 5: Joining the DIY napkin ring
The napkin ring is joined and held together with a reinforcement piece.
Bring the yarn up through the hole where you'll begin the tent stitch. Refer to the following picture for the placement of this stitch.
Line up one unworked row of holes on the reinforcement piece behind the unworked row of holes on one end of the napkin ring rectangle. Work the tent stitch through both thicknesses of plastic canvas all the way across the row.
Then bend the plastic canvas into the ring and line up the other unworked row of holes on the short end of the ring with the unworked row on the reinforcement piece. Stitch through all thicknesses to hold the ring together. Stitch the entire row.
What's left is one row of plastic canvas threads unstitched. Finally, stitch the last row of threads.
After this is completed, the napkin ring should look like this:
STEP 6: overcast stitching
To finish the napkin ring, overcast stitch both edges. It's Finished!
This homemade napkin ring adds color and texture and makes the perfect addition to any table setting.
So what do you think? Are you going to make some Thanksgiving leaf napkin rings for your dining table?
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Looking for more budget-friendly plastic canvas crafts? We’ve got you covered! Check out these awesome ideas, too!
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