
How to Sew Simple Mittens for an 18-inch Doll

Mittens are an essential winter fashion accessory for dolls! 

This easy-to-follow tutorial will show you how to create cute and stylish flannel or fleece mittens to keep an 18" doll's hands warm. 

These flannel or fleece mittens for an 18-inch doll are quick to sew and look adorable when finished. We've also provided a FREE printable PDF sewing pattern for the doll mittens at the bottom of this page.How to Sew a 18in Doll Mittens fb

Once you print the pattern, choose a pretty and fun flannel or fleece fabric print—leftover scrap fabric works great—and add a bit of elastic for a snug fit.

These mittens are suitable for 18" dolls such as American Girl Doll, Our Generation, Journey, Playtime by Emmie, My Life As, and New Adventures Styles dolls.

Buying doll clothing and accessories can get expensive, but crafting your own accessories using scrap fabric is a cost-effective and creative solution.  It also allows you to personalize your doll's wardrobe. 

Once you've finished the mittens, why not complete the set with a matching scarf and hat

Beyond mittens, you can create skirts, totes, phones, headbands, spa eye covers, and much more at home. Our site offers many FREE doll clothes and accessory patterns.

For detailed instructions on making mittens for an 18" doll, watch our video tutorial or follow the step-by-step photo tutorial below.

COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To watch the whole video tutorial, click the link How to Sew Simple Mittens for an 18-inch Doll to open it in Youtube.

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. We make a small commission on sales through the affiliate links, at no extra cost to you. Thank you in advance for your purchase and your support! Please see our full Affiliate Statement for more information.

WHAT YOU NEED to sew mittens for an 18" doll

  • Printable PDF mitten pattern - Available at the end of this tutorial. Scroll past my signature.
  • 1/4" wide Elastic 
  • Fleece or flannel
  • Ironing Board
  • Iron
  • Scissors
  • Sewing Machine

Doll Mittens Doll Wearing Mittens

INSTRUCTIONS to make 18-inch doll mittens

STEP 1: Cut out the mittens

Start by downloading and printing the doll mitten pattern. Once printed, cut out the mitten pattern piece from the paper.

Next, place two pieces of fleece or flannel fabric with the wrong sides facing each other.  Mittens for 18in doll_1.2.1

Pin the paper mitten pattern onto the fabric and cut around the shape of the pattern to create your first mitten pieces.  Mittens for 18in doll_1.3.1Repeat this step to cut out the fabric for the second mitten.

Step 2: Partially sew the two sides together

Take one set of mitten pieces and place them right sides together, lining up the raw edges. Using a 1/4" seam allowance, sew from the bottom edge of the mitten on the side without the thumb, stopping partway up the side. Remember to backstitch at the start and end. Mittens for 18in doll_1.4.1This partial seam will allow you to easily hem and add elastic to the mitten.

Step 3: Iron the doll mitten

For the next step, take the mitten to the ironing board and iron the seam flat to one side.

Next, fold the bottom edge of the mitten up by 1/4" and press well to create a neat hem. 

Take the mitten back to the sewing machine and sew along the entire bottom edge of the mitten to secure the hem.Mittens for 18in doll_1.5.1

Step 4: Sew the elastic on the cuff of the mitten

Next, you'll attach the elastic to the mitten. Cut a piece of elastic 4 1/4" long to use on each mitten.

Place the elastic 3/4" up from the bottom edge of the mitten on the wrong side.

Secure the elastic by backstitching at the start, then pulling on it as you sew, keeping the fabric flat and taut.Mittens for 18in doll_1.6.1

You may need to gently pull and guide the fabric from behind the presser foot as you sew.

Keep pulling the elastic as you sew it onto the mitten. Backstitch again at the end of the elastic to secure it.

Step 5: finish sewing the mitten

Finally, place the mitten pieces with right sides together and pin the unsewn portion. Using a 1/4" seam allowance, sew around the rest of the mitten pieces, paying close attention to the thumb area.

Be sure to sew slowly around the thumb area, using the needle-down position, lifting your presser foot, and turning the fabric when necessary to make the thumb stitches.Mittens for 18in doll_1.7.1Don't forget to backstitch at the beginning and end of the stitching.

With a scissor, carefully clip between the thumb and fingers, taking care not to snip into your stitching. Trim the seam allowance around the thumb closer to the stitches to remove some of the fabric bulk.Mittens for 18in doll_1.8.1

Turn the mitten right side out and admire your work! You've completed the first mitten for the 18-inch doll. Repeat the steps again to make the second mitten for a perfect pair. Doll MittensYour 18-inch doll is now ready for colder weather with these adorable, cozy mitten accessories!

I hope you enjoyed learning how to sew mittens for an 18" doll. Scroll down past the links to find the link to the free pattern!

Check out our free patterns below so you can sew a matching scarf and hat to complete the look.

Happy Sewing!
 Annette's Signature 


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.

more 18" doll accessories

Supporting Products and links: Some of the links below may be affiliate links. We make a small commission on sales through the affiliate links, at no extra cost to you. Thank you in advance for your purchase and your support! Please see our full Affiliate Statement for more information.

 Mitten Pattern Printable PDF

Mitten Pattern Printable PDF PDF

This is the printable PDF pattern to make the doll mittens. Print using 'Actual Size' or 100% size.

 Sew the Contemporary Wardrobe for 18-Inch Dolls

Sew the Contemporary Wardrobe for 18-Inch Dolls #ad

Complete Instructions & Full-Size Patterns for 35 Clothing and Accessory Items by Joan Hinds - Paperback - Published 2002 Affiliate Link to Amazon

 Simple & Stylish Patterns for Dolls' Hats & Shoes: For 18-Inch, 14-Inch and 8-Inch Dolls

Simple & Stylish Patterns for Dolls' Hats & Shoes: For 18-Inch, 14-Inch and 8-Inch Dolls #ad

by Maria Freeman - Paperback - Published 2001 Affiliate Link to Amazon

All Dolled Up

All Dolled Up #ad

Sewing clothes and accessories for girls and their 18-inch doll. by Joan Hinds, Nancy Zieman - Paperback - Published 2010

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