
How to make an 18 Inch Doll Poncho

Learn how to make an 18-inch doll poncho. This is an easy no-sew project unless you want to add trim or a ribbon closure.18-inch doll Poncho

Do you need other ideas for crafts or clothes to make for your 18-inch doll? Look to the right for a link to all of our "Doll Craft Videos". Our DIY Doll Crafts page also lists many crafts and clothes you can make for your doll.

COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To watch the whole video tutorial, click the link How to make an 18 Inch Doll Poncho to open it in Youtube.

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WHAT YOU NEED to make the 18-inch doll poncho

  • 13" square of fleece fabric
  • Scissor
  • Ruler
  • Trim and ribbon (optional)

INSTRUCTIONS to make the 18-inch doll poncho


Doll Poncho Tutorial - Fabric From fleece fabric cut a 13" square. Round the corners, if you wish. We have an easy tutorial on how to round corners.


Doll Poncho Tutorial - Fold Once To find the center of the fabric, fold the square of the fabric into a triangle, fold again to make a smaller triangle.

Doll Poncho Tutorial - Fold Twice With an iron, press where points come together to make creases in the fabric. Open the fabric and where the creases come together, this is the center of the fabric.


Doll Poncho Tutorial - Measure Opening Place the ruler along one crease line with the 1 1/2" mark on the ruler at the center point. To make the opening, place a pin at the 0" and 3" marks.Doll Poncho Tutorial - Mark Opening

Doll Poncho Tutorial - Slit Cut The neck opening will be 3" wide. With sharp scissors, cut between the two pins along the crease.


Doll Poncho Tutorial - Trace Glass To make the front neckline opening, find a glass or other round object that measures about 3” or less. Place only half the glass on the 3” cut line. With a pen, trace around half the glass. With a scissor, cut along the marking.

Doll Poncho Tutorial - Neck Cut


Doll Poncho Tutorial - Measure Neck Opening On the front center crease line with a ruler measure down 2” from the neckline and mark with a pen. With a scissor, begin cutting about 1/8” from the marked line, then across the bottom and up the other side about 1/8" from the marked line.

Doll Poncho Tutorial - Cut Neck

Doll Poncho Tutorial - Cut Neck 2 When finished cutting, test to see if the poncho fits over the doll's head. If it doesn’t, you will have to adjust the by cutting a little more fabric.


If you wish, you can add embellishments and also use ribbon at the neck to tie the poncho closed. Your choice!

18-inch doll Poncho Embellished

The 18-inch doll poncho is complete and ready for the doll to go out with her friends or shopping!

18-inch doll Poncho Finished

This is a great gift for any little girl who plays with 18-inch dolls.


If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.


If you enjoyed making these projects, you may be interested in some of the books listed below which have patterns and instructions for making doll clothes and accessories.

Do you need storage for your doll clothes?  Check out this DIY Doll Clothes Closet and DIY Hangers and make one!

Supporting Products and links: Some of the links below may be affiliate links. We make a small commission on sales through the affiliate links, at no extra cost to you. Thank you in advance for your purchase and your support! Please see our full Affiliate Statement for more information.

 Sew the Contemporary Wardrobe for 18-Inch Dolls

Sew the Contemporary Wardrobe for 18-Inch Dolls #ad

Complete Instructions & Full-Size Patterns for 35 Clothing and Accessory Items by Joan Hinds - Paperback - Published 2002 Affiliate Link to Amazon

 Simple & Stylish Patterns for Dolls' Hats & Shoes: For 18-Inch, 14-Inch and 8-Inch Dolls

Simple & Stylish Patterns for Dolls' Hats & Shoes: For 18-Inch, 14-Inch and 8-Inch Dolls #ad

by Maria Freeman - Paperback - Published 2001 Affiliate Link to Amazon

All Dolled Up

All Dolled Up #ad

Sewing clothes and accessories for girls and their 18-inch doll. by Joan Hinds, Nancy Zieman - Paperback - Published 2010

18-inch doll Poncho - Pin

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