Doll accessories are fun and easy peasy to make, especially this doll pencil case. All that is needed is a small piece of fabric and narrow Velcro to make an adorable pencil case for a new school year.
It is just the right size for 18" dolls like American Girl, Our Generation, Journey, Playtime by Emmie, My Life As, and New Adventures Styles dolls.
Get a small scrap of fabric, some Velcro for easy access, and a sewing machine and get started making this great project and fun back-to-school accessory to hold school supplies and new pencils.![Doll Pencil Case Pattern - fb]()
Learn more about sewing a pencil bag for an 18-inch doll by watching our video tutorial, or keep reading this post with step-by-step instructions for our pencil case sewing pattern.![Doll Pencil Case Closeup Two Pencil Cases with 3 pencils]()
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![Doll Pencil Case Doll Holding Pencil and Pencil Case]()
WHAT YOU NEED to make the pencil pouches
NOTE: If you cannot find or do not have Velcro 1/4" wide, for this project simply cut a wider strip of Velcro 1/4" wide.
![Doll Pencil Case 1 Fabric and Velcro]()
INSTRUCTIONS to sew an 18" doll pencil case
![Doll Pencil Case Two Cases]()
STEP 1: Fold and iron the long edges
Lay the fabric on the ironing board with the right side facing down. Begin with one long side of the fabric (3 1/2" side) and fold it towards the wrong side 1/4".![Doll Pencil Case 2 Fold Edges]()
Iron this edge. Then, do the same with the other long edge, folding it 1/4" in and ironing it.![Doll Pencil Case 3 Edges Folded]()
Step 2: Sew the folds
Take the fabric to the sewing machine, put it under the presser foot, and sew the two folds down. Sew using a straight stitch close to the folded edges of the fabric. There is no need to backtack at the beginning and end of the stitching because when sewing the side seams, the folded fabric will be secure.
![Doll Pencil Case 5 Sewn Sides]()
Step 3: add the velcro
Center one piece of Velcro along the folded and stitched edge of fabric. The Velcro should be placed on the wrong side of the fabric. Sew the Velcro to the fabric with a straight stitch. Remember to backtack at the beginning and end of the stitching this time.![Doll Pencil Case 6 Sew Velcro]()
Backtacking is simply sewing in reverse to secure the beginning or ending of your stitching.
Sew the other half of the Velcro piece to the other side of the piece of fabric over the folded edge. Trim the threads.
Step 4: Sew the sides of the pencil case
Fold the fabric lengthwise with the right sides together so that the two pieces of Velcro on the long sides are next to each other.
![Doll Pencil Case 9 Folded Fabric]()
Sew the short edges of the case using a 1/4-inch seam. A pin can hold the fabric while sewing. It is important to backtack at the beginning and end of the fabric.![Doll Pencil Case 10 Sew Sides]()
![Doll Pencil Case 11 Sides Sewn]()
To prevent fraying of the raw edges on the inside of the pencil case, sew a simple zig-zag stitch along the sides. ![Doll Pencil Case 10 Sew Sides 13 Zig Zag Needle on Left]()
The zig-zag will catch on the left side and the needle should go off the edge of the fabric on the right side.![Doll Pencil Case 12 Zig Zag Sides Needle to right]()
![Doll Pencil Case 13 Seams Finished]()
Step 5: Turn the Pencil case right side out
Be sure to clip all of the loose threads on the pencil case. Then, turn the fabric right side out through the opening. ![Doll Pencil Case 14 Turn Right Side Out]()
The pencil case is complete and ready for your doll to use!![Doll Pencil Case 15 Case Turned]()
The hook-and-loop tape will keep the case closed and anything stored inside safe.![Doll Pencil Case 16 Opened Pencil Case]()
![Doll Pencil Case Completed Showing Closure]()
Next, make some doll pencils to put into the case and a backpack to hold it, and the doll will be ready for school!![Doll Pencil Case Two Dolls Holding Pencils and Pencil cases]()
We hope you enjoyed this tutorial on how to make a new pencil case to hold pencils for an 18" doll.
Happy Sewing!
![Doll Pencil Case Closeup Pencil Case with Pencil]()
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
Other School Supplies for in her backpack (free patterns)
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