
How to Sew Binding on a Quilt

So you’ve labored intensively to create the most beautiful quilt top ever to be seen.  It’s all quilted, and the only thing left to do is to bind that sweet thing!!

A lovely fabric binding is the perfect way to finish off your hand-made quilt!

You are going to learn how to bind your quilt on this page.  There are several ways to sew a binding on a quilt, and we will even show you how to self-bind a quilt. 

And if you are adventurous, we have a fantastic tutorial on making a prairie point binding!  Stay with me here!

I’ve made several large quilts, baby quilts, wall hangings, and smaller mug rugs.  Each and every time, I search for a new way to attach my binding to a quilt.  I still haven’t found my favorite way to bind a quilt yet, but I sure am having fun playing with the many ways to do so!

Binding Calculators

The first thing you need to know is how much binding you will need to make it all the way around the project, including the mitered corners and the extra binding needed to attach the binding together at the end.

We have several binding calculators in which you can type your quilt measurements and find the amount of binding needed. I would highly recommend looking at the various binding calculators we’ve listed to find the one you like best. 

And then use it!!!!  Having too little binding is something you want to avoid. (And I prefer to let someone else do the math for me!).  We have a whole collection of quilting calculators available on our Free Online Quilt Calculators and Charts page.

What Fabric to use for your binding

Another thing you’ll want to decide is what you will use for binding, and if it is not purchased, you’ll have to make it. 

You can purchase blanket binding, and we have a tutorial on how to sew blanket binding to your quilt project. 

Satin Blanket binding has a lovely soft, smooth, and silky texture and is great if silky binding is the look you are going for.  Another plus is that its woven edges won’t fray, and it’s already folded for you.

Most quilters make their own binding from quilting fabric.  We will show you how to cut continuous bias binding, giving you one long continuous binding without having to sew the binding strips together.

There is also a video and tutorial showing you how to sew smaller strips of fabric together on the diagonal, creating a beautifully seamed binding strip. 

You can use a machine to make your bias tape binding or do it the old-fashioned way without the fancy machine and without too much stress.  We have tutorials for both methods. 

And leave it to some wonderfully creative person to show you how to easily make your own bias tape with a quick and easy homemade bias tape “machine”.

French Fold Binding

We will show you how to sew a French fold binding, also known as a double-fold binding. This is the binding I use most often, and from what I see in my quilt guild, it is the most common binding.  

However, it involves hand sewing which makes it time consuming. Our video tutorial has very clear instructions on how to sew this French fold binding to your quilt.

Single Fold Binding

If you are interested in a single-fold binding which uses less fabric, we can show you to do that too!  This binding is best for small projects and is believed by most to be less durable than the French fold, double binding above.

Flange Quilt Binding

Another binding is the flange quilt binding. This double-fold quilt binding is attached by machine and completely cuts out the hand sewing portion you’ll find in French fold binding.


You can learn the fold over quilt binding method as well on this page. It is also known as self binding, where the backing is folded over and used as the binding itself. It’s most often used for small projects, like baby quilts, wall hangings, and table runners. 

Pillowcase Binding

A very quick and easy way to finish a quilt is without binding at all!  This is known as the pillowcase technique or the envelope method.  It’s easy peasy and best used for the smaller quilt projects you create.

Also included on this page is how to make mitered corners, binding a pot-holder with a hanger using only your machine, and binding quilts with non-square corners.

Once you hold up your finished quilt, complete with a binding, it will be a monumental moment!

How to Sew Binding on a Quilt

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Beginners Quilt Series Part 5 - Squaring Up A Quilt

Beginners Quilt Series Part 5 - Squaring Up A Quilt

Learn how to square a quilt with this easy step-by-step video and photo tutorial. Associate

Bias - Continuous Bias Binding

Cutting continuous bias binding. Buzzville

Bias Strips - Continuous Bias Strips (Video)

A video on how to make continuous bias strips. You Tube

Bias Strips- Cutting

How to cut bias strips for piping and binding. Pate-Meadows Designs

Bias Tape

How to make bias tape. The Shabby Creek Cottage

Bias Tape Maker

Making bias tape is easy with a bias tape maker. Learn how to use a bias tape maker. Pate-Meadows Designs

Binding -  Free Quilt Binding Calculator

Binding - Free Quilt Binding Calculator

This quick and easy binding calculator will aid in the calculation amount of fabric needed and the number of strips to cut from the binding fabric to make a binding for a quilt. Calculation results are in yards and meters.

Binding a Quilt

Binding a Quilt

Learn how to add a binding to a quilt. Learn how to make the binding, how to attach the binding, how to miter corners and how to attached the binding ends.This is a scrappy binding which is sewn onto the quilt. No hand sewing is required.

Binding a Quilt with a Serger

Learn how to bind a quilt. This video sewing tutorial will focus on the following topics - how to sew the binding on a quilt by serger, how to bind a quilt with perfect mitered corners, how wide to cut quilt binding bias tape, how to join binding ends. Ageberry

Binding Non-Square Corners PDF

How to attach a binding to a project that doesn't have square corners. Eazy Peazy Quilts

Blanket Binding

Learn how to use, how to work with, and how to apply blanket binding to a project. Dove Originals Trims

Charm Squares Scrappy Binding

How to make scrappy binding using charm squares. Fabric Fascination

Double Fold Binding

Double Fold Binding

This tutorial will show you how to make double-fold binding which is also known as the French-fold binding. This is one of the commonest binding techniques.

Flange Quilt Binding Tutorial

Flange Quilt Binding Tutorial

Learn to bind a quilt with a flange binding. This double-fold quilt binding is attached by machine and has no hand sewing. Staff

Fold Over Quilt Binding (Self Binding)

Fold Over Quilt Binding (Self Binding)

Learn how to self bind a quilt, table runner or wall hanging using the backing fabric as a binding. This binding method is so easy. Learn how with our video tutorial and photo tutorial with step-by-step instructions. Staff

How to Bind a Potholder

How to Bind a Potholder

Learn a simple way to bind a potholder with a hanging loop. This binding is completely done with a sewing machine using the serpentine stitch. No hand stitching.

Joining Binding Ends

Learn how to join the binding ends. All People Quilt

Joining Binding Strips

Joining Binding Strips

The best way to join quilt binding strips together to make continuous quilt binding that will fit around the quilt project.

Mitered Corner - How to Sew A Mitered Corner

Mitered Corner - How to Sew A Mitered Corner

This tutorial will show you how to miter a corner when sewing a binding to a project.

Pillowcase Finish - Finish Quilt without Binding

Pillowcase Finish - Finish Quilt without Binding

Learn how to finish a quilt without using a binding. This quilt finishing technique is referred to as the pillow case method or the envelope method. This method is appropriate for small quilts, such as baby quilts, and quilt hangings. It is a quick and easy way to finish a quilt.

Prairie Points

Learn how to make continuous prairie points with one fabric. Pieces of Rana's Life

Prairie Points - Many Colors

Many color continuous prairie points - a tutorial. A stash buster! Pieces of Rana's Life

Prairie Points - Two Fabrics

Learn a simple way to make alternating colors of prairie points with two fabrics. Pieces of Rana's Life

Scrappy Binding

Scrappy Binding

A video tutorial on how to make a scrappy quilt binding.

Scrappy Binding Tutorial

This is another method for making scrappy binding b using strips of fabric. Jaybird Quilts

Single Fold Binding

Single Fold Binding

Double fold binding is the standard for most quiltmakers. But, single fold binding is the perfect quilt binding to use for small projects. Learn more here! Associate

Single Fold Binding

How and why to use single fold binding. Jo Avery

Single Fold Binding Tutorial

Single fold binding is great for mini quilts and small projects. Jaybird Quilts

Traditional Quilt Binding Method

Traditional Quilt Binding Method

This tutorial shows how to finish the edges of a quilt, wall hanging, table runner, placemat, and other quilt projects using a traditional binding method. Staff

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