Welcome to the wonderful world of beginners quilting!! Many sewists, beginners and advanced sewists alike, want to sew a quilt.
This is the page with all of the links you need to learn how to make a quilt that can be treasured and passed down through the family.
Is quilting hard to learn?
As a quilt beginner on the precipice of starting their first quilt, you may wonder how hard it really is to do. The secret is that anyone can learn how to make a quilt!
All that is necessary is to know or be willing to learn how to sew a straight line and follow simple basic steps.
Many of the links below will show step-by-step directions to make a quilt. Some tips for beginners quilting are:
- Choose a quilt pattern that uses large squares or rectangles. Larger pieces can be sewn together faster and have fewer seams. This makes it easier for quilting beginners to piece the quilt more accurately.
- Beginner quilting is much easier if pre-cuts are used. Quilting fabrics come in coordinating colors in various pre-cut sizes, making choosing colors and piecing more simple.
- This can save hours cutting and preparing fabric for a quilting beginner!
- Taking a quilting class is not necessary, but some just learning how to make a quilt might find this gives them more confidence.
How do you make a quilt step-by-step?
Needlepointers.com has developed a beginner quilt series that has video and written tutorials to make a quilt step by step. These easy-to-follow videos and tutorials will make sewing a quilt simple and fun!
The steps include:
- Step 1: Cutting the blocks
- Step 2: Assembling the blocks
- Step 3: Making a quilt backing
- Step 4: Layering and pin basting
- Step 5: Quilting the layers together
- Step 6: Binding the quilt
When you're ready, get started with step one, which is cutting the quilt squares!
There are several other links that also show how to make a quilt with step-by-step instructions. Check out our page with more than 65 quilting tips and tricks, too!
Scroll down to learn basic quilting information such a fabric preparing, cutting the fabric including use of rotary cutter, pinning, pressing and more quilting basics.
You are on your way to creating a lovely beginner’s quilt!
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Learn how to make a quilt using 5 inch blocks. This quilt is a crib or baby sized quilt which is a great size to make for a first quilt and this one is simple to make.
A series of YouTube tutorials and written instruction will teach you how to cut the block, assemble the blocks, make a backing, layer and pin baste, quilt the top and bind the quilt.
With these simple step-by-step instructions even someone learning to sew can make a quilt.
By Needlepointers.com Staff
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Explore the many helpful ideas for choosing a quilt color scheme as well las choosing various fabrics for a quilt.
Cutting the fabric for a quilt is one of the most crucial steps. Accuracy is a must. Learn how to prepare and cut fabric.
Before rotary cutters and special measuring tools were invented, quilters used a lot of plastic templates to cut quilt pieces. Even today, to make certain patterns, such as applique or pattern from magazine, a plastic template is necessary. Learn how to transfer. . .(more)
Ready to work on quilt piecing? This page gives tips and tricks along with quilt piecing techniques such as paper piecing, English paper piecing, curved piecing and even hand piecing a quilt block.
Quilters Press, They Do Not Iron! A very important aspect of quiltmaking is pressing - pressing fabric, pressing seam allowances, pressing blocks, pressing sashing.
After assembling the quilt blocks, it is time to sew the blocks together to make the whole quilt top. Learn how to assemble the quilt top.
How to choose a batting for a quilt? What are the types of batting? How to join scrap pieces of quilt batting together. Batting facts? Learn how to choose the right batting for the quilt.
What is a quilt sandwich? A quilt sandwich is the process of assembling three layers of the quilt together - the quilt top, the batting and the backing. This needs to be done carefully. Learn how here.
Find many quilt backing ideas, including pieced quilt backing ideas along with quilt backing calculators to finish off a quilt top.
Need ideas for quilting a quilt top? Try quilt motifs. Quilt motifs are quilting designs you can use to quilt the quilt top.
Want to learn how to hand quilt? Hand quilting adds heirloom vintage look to the quilt. Learn how to hand quilt.
Learn all that is needed to use your sewing machine for machine quilting. There is no need to send a quilt out to a long arm quilter! Learn how to quilt stitch in the ditch and free motion quilting.
How to finish a quilt by tying it.
Learn how to sew a binding on a quilt; you can use French fold or single fold binding, blanket binding, or even finish with prairie points!
An essential part of finishing a quilt is to attach a label. No quilt is complete without one. There are different types of quilt labels. Learn all about quilt labels here.
Quilt embellishments is a fun way to add personality and texture to a quilt. Learn some interesting concepts.