Brighten up your Christmas tree with cute fabric tree ornaments. Quilted Christmas ornaments will add an old-fashioned charm to a tree. Make this quilt strip-pieced tree ornament to adorn your tree or give as a gift.![Fabric Christmas Tree Ornament]()
Need a scrap buster project for the overflowing fabric scraps you have in your sewing room? This Christmas tree ornament is sewn with scrap Christmas fabric leftover from other finished projects. This ornament cost nothing to make if you have Christmas-colored fabric in your stash.
DIY Christmas ornaments are a meaningful way to decorate your tree. To make this ornament you will learn how to strip piece fabric together, how to cut the triangular pieces and how to stitch it together to make this strip-pieced Christmas tree ornament.
No time to make fabric ornaments yourself. Etsy had a nice selection for sale. You will find a link to Etsy at the end of this article.
Watch this video tutorial and read on to see how to make tree ornaments.
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here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to make scrappy tree ornaments
- Scrap Fabric
- Rotary Cutter
- Cutting Mat
- Rulers
- Sewing Machine
- Cord for Hanging Ornament
- Basic Sewing Supplies
![Fabric Christmas Tree Ornament]()
STEP 1: Choose Your Fabrics
Grab your fabric scrap bin. Sort through it for all the Christmas-colored fabric in the stash. Any size fabric can be used.
If you don't have Christmas-colored fabric, you can still make these ornaments just purchase some fat-eights or fat-quarters of Christmas fabric.
With a rotary cutter and mat, cut strips of fabric of various widths. For best results the strips ranging in width from 1" to 1 1/2".
![Fabric Christmas Tree Ornament]()
After strips are cut, begin sewing the strips together. To sew them together, place two strips together, right-side together, and sew using a 1/4" seam. Continue adding strips until the piece measures 5 1/2" to 6" wide.
Once you have enough strips together, press the seams all in one direction. Press the front nice a flat.
![Fabric Christmas Tree Ornament]()
To cut the tree shape you need a ruler with a 60-degree line. Line up the 60-degree line along the top edge of the strip-piece. The right-hand side of the ruler should line up with the bottom corner of the fabric. Cut off the edge piece by cutting along the ruler on the right side.
Turn the strip-piece of fabric.
Line up the 60-degree line along the bottom edge of the piece and cut. You have the triangular piece for the tree.
To make the trunk of the tree, cut two pieces of brown fabric 2" x 2".
With right sides together, sew along three sides using a 1/4" seam.
Clip corners, turn right side out and press flat.
For the back of the ornament, cut a piece of fabric the same size as the triangle. You can cut it from the strip-pieced fabric or a solid pattern fabric.
Put the strip-pieces triangle right side up on the work surface.
Place the trunk along the bottom of the tree, centering in the middle, with raw edges together facing upward. Pin in place.
Pin a piece of cord to the top, facing downward toward the center of the tree.
Pin the backing piece on top.
![Fabric Christmas Tree Ornament]()
Sew around the outside using a 1/4" seam and leaving an opening of about 2" on one side. When sewing as you approach the corners, stop and diagonally stitch one or two stitches before stitching the next side. These diagonal stitches will help reduce the bulk in the corners when turning right side out.
Clip corners.
Turn the ornament right side out, pushing out corners. Press flat.
Close the opening by either hand stitch it closed or edgestitch. Edgestitching is stitching around the tree about 1/8" from the edge.
![Fabric Christmas Tree Ornament]()
This finished ornament will add a little country charm to your holiday decoration by hanging it on a tree or making it into a garland by attaching it to some ribbon or cord. They also make lovely gifts for friends, teachers, and workmates.
Happy Holidays!
![Fabric Christmas Tree Ornament]()
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