As far as needlework goes, embroidery was the first type I learned. Beginning as a child with simple designs on muslin that were referred to as penny squares. To kits with colorful embroidered edges on pillowcases with flowers and butterflies are fondly remembered.
There are so many embroidery stitches to learn and enjoy, but the focus of this tutorial is the Algerian Eye Stitch. This embroidery stitch is also known as the Algerian Eyelet Stitch or the Star Stitch.
A lovely eight-spoked star is produced when this stitch is made. It's a pretty decorative beginner stitch that anyone can learn to make.
What are the variations of the Algerian Eye Stitch?
This stitch can be made in various sizes, from tiny stars to very large stars depending on how many squares are counted over on the Aida cloth. This tutorial will show two different sizes.
Another variation is the double Algerian Eye Stitch which has a heavier and more textured look. There is also the Elongated Algerian Stitch which is made with a single strand of embroidery thread. This Algerian Eye Stitch is a very delicate stitch.
For the purposes of this tutorial, the focus will be on the traditional Algerian Eye Stitch in various sizes. It's a stitch that can be used in cross stitch, embroidery, hardanger and plastic canvas projects.
Learn more about how to embroider the Algerian Eye Stitch by watching our video or keep reading this post for a photo tutorial with step-by-step instructions.
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where to use the algerian eye stitch
- As a pretty border stitch
- As a stitch to fill large or small areas of fabric
- Crazy quilt embroidery embellishment
- As a motif
WHAT YOU NEED to embroider the algerian eye stitch
- Aide cloth
- Embroidery needle
- Embroidery floss
- Embroidery hoop
- Embroidery scissors
INSTRUCTIONS To make the Algerian Eyelet stitch
STEP 1: start the algerian eye stitch from the back
The basic Algerian Eye Stitch uses eight evenly spaced straight stitches arranged in a square to make the pattern.
Stretch the Aida cloth and place it into the embroidery hoop. Using a threaded embroidery needle, come up from the back side of the fabric. This will be one end of the first spoke.
Tips for starting embroidery can found on our site.
STEP 2: Make the first spoke of the star stitch
Count three squares down from where the needle came up from the back. Go down into the Aida cloth after counting three squares down. This will be the center of the Algerian Eye Stitch.
The first spoke has been made on the star.
step 3: Make the remainder of the spokes of the algerian eye stitch
Now the the floss and needle are at the back of the fabric, count over three squares to the right of the end of the first spoke. Push the needle up though this hole. Note that the star will be within a square when it is finished.
Once again, go back down to the back of the fabric through the center of the Star Stitch.
Go all around the center, making spokes three squares from the last spoke that was made, always going down into the center of the star.
Most Algerian Eyelet stitches have eight spokes.
Note: The Algerian Eye Stitch can be made larger or smaller by changing the number of squares counted from the beginning of the first spoke to the center. Larger stitches will make a larger square.
Here is an example of finished Algerian Eye Embroidery Stitches.
Time to end the floss? Use the weave under method.
I hope you enjoyed learning how to embroider the Algerian Eye Stitch. This will add a decorative look to the embroidery work.
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
Other embroidery stitches
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