This tutorial will show you how to tie a knot in a thread using the quilter's knot!
Creating a quilter's knot is a simple skill for anyone who enjoys hand sewing, quilting or applique. This tiny but sturdy knot is perfect for securing your thread at the start of your stitching.![How to make a tiny, neat Quilters Knot step-by-step - fb]()
One of the benefits of the quilter's knot is it creates a tiny, neat knot.
Another unique feature is its ability to "pop" the knot through fabric layers when quilting, effectively hiding it in the batting or between layers for a clean professional finish.
Whether you're using standard thread, quilting thread, embroidery floss or thicker threads like perle cotton, the quilter's knot can be customized to suit your project.
If you haven't tried it yet, you'll love how easy it is to make a quilter’s knot. It will likely become your go-to method for making knots whenever you’re hand sewing.
Learn how to make a quilter's knot by watching our video or continue reading this post for a step-by-step photo tutorial and tips on when to use it.
COMPLETE VIDEO TUTORIAL AVAILABLE! The video below is a preview and may have no audio. To
watch the whole video tutorial, click the link How to Make a Quilters Knot to open it in Youtube.
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![Quilters Knot Finished With Thread Holder]()
when to use a quilter's knot?
A quilter's knot is versatile and can be used in many hand-sewing techniques, including:
- Hand Quilting
- Hand Piecing
- Applique
- Some Embroidery Applications
- General Sewing
In hand quilting, the quilter's knot is useful for popping the knot through the quilt top, hiding it in the batting layer. But, it can also be used in general hand sewing to begin a line of stitching by wrapping the thread multiple times to create a larger, securing knot.
how to tie a quilter's knot
![How to make a quilters knot]()
![Quilters Knot Thread Needle Scissor]()
INSTRUCTIONS for making a quilter's knot:
STEP 1: thread the needle
Start by cutting a length of thread and thread your needle with a single strand.
STEP 2: holding the needle
Hold the shaft of the threaded needle with your thumb and forefinger (index finger) in your non-dominant hand.
STEP 3: Position the thread
With your dominant hand, pick up the long end of the thread and position it behind the shaft of the needle. Hold it in place with your thumb and forefinger.
Then, wrap the thread around the needle three times, moving the thread toward the needle's point. You should now have three loops on the needle.
- For standard hand quilting, wrap three times.
- For thicker threads like perle cotton and embroidery floss, wrap one or two times.
- For general hand sewing, if you want a larger knot, wrap more times.
Once the needle is wrapped with the thread, gently move your thumb and forefinger so they pinch the wrapped thread.
With your free hand, grab the tip of the needle and pull it while still gripping the thread wraps between your thumb and forefinger.
Slide the thread wraps along the needle and continue to gently slide them along the length of the thread until you reach the thread's end.
Once at the end, pull the thread firmly to tighten the knot.
Ta-da! You've created a quilter’s knot.
STEP 7: Trim Excess Thread (Optional)
If necessary, clip the excess thread end for a neat finish. ![How to tie a Quilters Knot]()
Can You MAKE Different Size Knots?
Yes! Simply adjust the number of wraps around the needle to create a smaller or larger knot.![Quilters Knot Tied]()
Advantages of a quilter's knot?
- Quick and easy to tie
- Creates a neat, tiny knot
- Works with various thread types
- Can be pulled through fabric layers to hide the knot
What do you think? Will you be using a quilter's knot in your projects?
Happy Stitching!
If you have any questions about this project, contact us through the YouTube Video
comments or our Contact Us page. We respond to questions in e-mails and YouTube comments regularly.
Hand Sewing Tutorials and Techniques
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